wine producer

Angelo Veglio

Region: Piemonte


The Veglio family winery was founded in 1886, when Francesco - whose large family lived on a nearby farm in the Manzoni district - managed to buy an old Piedmontese farmhouse. Francesco bequeathed it to his son Angelo, who over the course of his life gradually began expanding the family’s estates and planting vineyards.
Initially selling wine in bulk, the family gradually began producing their own bottled wines, and after decades of hard work won gold medal for Best Wine Award at the 1932 La Morra wine show for the Veglio Barolo.
Like many Italian families, the Veglios suffered many hardships during the Second World War, but again through the family’s indomitable determination, they prevailed and gradually managed to continue expanding and adding to their estate.
Since the ’90s the winery has been refurbished and extended on no fewer than three occasions, thanks to growing exports which have now reached 95% of the entire production.
Traditional agronomy practices have been restored in the vineyards, with grass cover between the rows and almost no working of the soil. This limits the use of chemicals and pesticides in the vineyards to a minimum, producing grapes which are as naturally cultivated as possible.
In the winery too the use of chemicals is strictly limited so everyone has the opportunity to appreciate our wines to the full.